Thursday, January 29, 2015

Every Leaf and Every Spice for the Perfect Blend

As I mentioned last Sunday, The Liaison Collaborative, Genre, Kustom9, Kawaii Project, and The Secret Affair opened last week. (If I remember correctly all of these events opened on the 15th...don't quote me on it.)

Genre is celebrating a birthday this round, so the theme is Celebration. Lots of party items and some party dresses. I bought one dress from The Annex--it was a really pretty red striped dress. Once I put it on, I paired it with my leather jacket by Foxes. It looks great, but when I got off the stand, the back of the dress has a slit... Like a huge slit. It was way too racy for me, so I switched it for my Anti. There are some other dresses, and some pants there, but I like The Annex dress the best.

The Kawaii Project has some very nice skins from Glam Affair. More natural tones and such, I bought a few, but other than that, there were not any outfits that screamed at me. Moon Amore has a skirt and cardigan combo there. I have been going back and forth debating on whether or not I want to buy one or not. I am still not sure. It seems a bit too young looking for me.  For those of you who have teen looking avatars, this might be a cardigan/skirt combo for you.

Kustom9 didn't have any full outfits I had to have, but I did buy lots of separate pieces to make new outfits with pieces from other events. MAINLY for the skirt by Amiable I bought at Season's Story. Pixicat has a crop-sweater at Kustom9 that pairs fabulously with the tulle skirt from Amiable I bought. I was so excited when I saw the sweaters listed on Seraphim.  When I tried the demo, It matched perfectly. So BAM! New outfit that is gorgeous.  I also bought some more skins from Glam Affair, similar to the ones at The Kawaii Project, but it has colorful eye-shadows and lip glosses.

Sweater: Pixicate Crop Sweater Pastel @Kustom9, Skirt: Amiable Mixtulle Lace Skirt @Season's Story, Shoes: Gos Carrie Pumps Ivory, Hair: Truth Harmony ponytail, Watches: Sorgo So Watch WhiteGold @Creation.JP, Jewelry: Yummy Pearl Stud Earrings and Ice Ring Quartz, Eyes and Lashes: Redgrave Catgreen and Natural6, Slink Nails, Phone: O.M.E.N. For Her: Riviera Phone, Skin: Glam Affair Ellie @Kustom9, Bracelets: Noodles: Positivity Bangles @FaMESHed
The Secret Affair opened as well, and the theme this round is "Untamed Purity".  I like the theme--I like how the designers all have lots of whites and lots of simple and diverse designs. I don't know if I mentioned this before in a previous post, but my favorite color is white (and yes, I know it is technically a shade...not a color, but it is a color to me. If Crayola has a white crayon, it is a color).  The outfit I did buy was by Junbug. The ensemble is called The Innocent.  It is a gacha, but I really liked the style of the dresses (so spending quite a bit of Linden$ to get the dress was worth it). It is more of a period-piece, but the detail and the textures are wonderful (as usual).  It does come with a sort of "jacket" you can put over the dress to make it more conservative and to give it a more..... I wouldn't even call it modern; it changes up the look of the dress.

Last but not least is The Liaison Collaborative. I did not end up buying anything form TLC this round.  There is quite a bit of jewelry there this round. I might get a jewelry set by Izzie.  It has pearl strands and pearl flowers. It is simple, yet mesmerizing....Yea, I think I am going to break down and buy it. There weren't really and outfits or clothing pieces I had to have.  But the jewelry is very nice, not gaudy, not quite simple. Overall very pleasing, and when you wear it, I am sure it will add the perfect touch to any outfit.

As always, have a great day and week. Enjoy your cuppa. Hugs and Smooches!~


The Kawaii Project:


The Secret Affair:


The Liaison Collaborative:

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