Saturday, July 26, 2014

Of Tea and Daydreams

Happy Sunday everyone. This week's post isn't going to be deep, and I apologize in advance....I don't have a story for this week. I do want to discuss an event that I found out from the Second Life fashion event blog called Seraphim.  This blog is my go to in fashion events, both old and new. I check it out at least once a week, and I am a member of their in-world group as well ( I highly recommend joining).

Dress-Leechouette- fluffy Dream emma; eyes- RedGrave CatGreen; eyelashes-RedGrave Elemental 16; feet-Noya FlatBare Feet; Nails-Salt. Manicure french satin; necklace- .Tokame. Star in a Cage(The Dreamer's Catch group gift); Hair- Truth Blythe Blonde; Ring- Earthstones-Splendid Love Bridal Set 

Seraphim had mentioned something about "The Dreamer's Factory" in a blog post earlier this week. It seemed interesting enough, but what really caught my eye was that Zenith (my beloved Zenith) was one of the contributing designers. So I took the SecondLife link (i.e. surl) to the location, and to my surprise, the event wasn't where the link took me. I had to first fall asleep on a wonderfully fluffy looking bed and enter into dreamland, and once in this dreamland I had to take a cloud to the actual event. I am serious. It was so much fun! The creators of the event are MARVELOUS! It is so fun and creative, I have not been to a fashion event like it before. Now, the event itself it simple enough, but the getting to it part.....wonderful. It was fun, and I HIGHLY recommend going (I will post a surl link at the bottom of the post).  There were wonderful simple dresses, shoes, and a really cute summer picnic hat gotcha machine. The items there are all fabulous, and I ended up getting a few items I wouldn't normally grab (a few bicycles with poses mayhaps). 

Dress-Leechouette- fluffy Dream emma; eyes- Boudoir Closed Eyes Natural; Nails-Salt. Manicure french satin; necklace- .Tokame. Star in a Cage(The Dreamer's Catch group gift); Hair- Truth Blythe Blonde; Ring- Earthstones-Splendid Love Bridal Set 

Overall, this event is a must see. I even joined the group roster so I can definitely keep up-to-date on the new rounds and what-not later on. So check it out my Tea Readers--Close your eyes, start to dream a beautiful dream. When you wake up, I will have your tea ready. 

The Dreamer's Factory-


  1. Replies
    1. Hola Mallorca !!!! Gracias por leer . Espero que hayan tenido unas maravillosas vacaciones!
