Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fire Burn, Cauldron Bubble

This week's post is done by a Guest Blogger, Earth Tvilling, my Real Life and Second Life twin sister. Enjoy:

It’s a wonderful honor to be your guest blogger this week. As Sun would tell you, I’ll drink tea, but I’m much more of a coffee person. I’m actually working on my second cup while writing this post. It will be tough to write as well as my darling twin, but I will do my best. So sit down, have a coffee, tea, or whatever refreshing beverage fits your taste at the moment.

Second Life is quite the place; every user has a story about how they joined. I have my own as well as I joined for a college class to do research for a project on how Second Life can benefit those with disabilities. During the project I learned much and fell in love with it, thus when the project was over I kept playing and learning. I kept making friends, meeting new people, learning so much about Second Life beyond the scope of the research I was doing for class. To this day, I still get fascinated, especially with avatars and unique fashion.

For most of the time, when I’m not working my KittyCatS business, I’m a dragon in world. As a dragon it’s hard for me to find places to roam freely throughout Second Life, but I get by perfectly fine despite my large avatar.

Zenith Black Noble Queen, whole outfit in black @FaMESHed. Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands Elegant. Skin: Jalwa Evil Queen group gift @ Jalwa/Bilo/Apsara

Halloween there are a multitude of parties, costumes, SIMS to go to in a unique outfit/costume of your choice. With so many options it can be a bit overwhelming, but that’s part of the fun I believe. As far my choices for costumes, I love trying to get costumes that completely change my appearance for Halloween, quite like a whole new avatar whether it be a quadruped, furry, Harpie, etc. For the past two years I have done multiple costumes no more than three and usually made up of avatars and such already in my inventory that I do not wear hardly ever or free costumes from some of my favorite designers, such as Utopia. This year, by my standards, I went overboard on my costume. Sun told me about a Zenith costume that I would very much enjoy and at first I was skeptical, however I was quickly converted to her line of thinking. Zenith came out with a Maleficent outfit I had to have. It was not a matter of if I should or should not, it was a matter of could I wait all month for Halloween so I could wear it and could I wear this during the year?

Of course the answer was yes. As a dragon for the majority of the time, getting to be Maleficent for Halloween was a dream. I had looked last year at similar costumes and none were to my liking, so when Sun said Zenith had one I was wary. By far this is my favorite costume I have ever gotten for my avatar. I will definitely be wearing this outfit for costume parties, special themed events, and the like. It also helped that the skin that I have paired with the outfit is a group gift at Bilo, which has a pale skin and light green tinted skin you can chose from.

Though we can change our avatars on a whim on Second Life, we definitely love to costume up for Halloween. Why not participate in Halloween in world, even if it’s just wearing a costume for the month, the week, the day, etc?  It’s another way to express the endless creativity which makes up Second Life. Not everyone has a lovely twin sister to help them find amazing outfits and costumes, but with it being October there are so many events that can help inspire you. Or go through your inventory, piece together different parts of outfits. One of my continued favorite costumes is males in dresses. It’s funny, it’s classic, it’s always a hit.

Sun: Outfit(including hat) Evie's Closet: Iseult Witching Hour @Evie's closet(discounted until Halloween), Eyeshadow: Senzafine Safira Gold, Lipstick: Senzafine: Moonglow Carmine, choker: Junbug Highland Ribbon Necklace in black, Eyelashes: Redgrave Natural, familiar: Alchemy Dire Wolf Shadow @Mystic Realms Faire, Hair: Truth Thalia @Mystic Realms Faire

My coffee is now room temperature, which means my time with you is at an end. Before we part, I want to know about you.  What are you going to be for Halloween (In World and/or in real life)? How did you come up with your costume? I would love to know.



Evie's Closet:

Mystic Realms Faire:
Faire closes today!!! Make sure you go and check it out before it is gone! This faire won't be back until next year!!!!!!


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